Monday, February 4, 2013

Evaluation as a communicator

The one thing that surprised me the most during the evaluations was that where I see myself and how others see me were different; others perception where more on target and I think I just had wishful thinking on my part. I have discovered that I have a lot of work to be where I want to be as a communicator.  I think that communication is a continual work in progress.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Effective Communication

What are three things that I have learn to where I can be a more effective communicator.

I have several families that are Muslin I need to research this religion and get a real understand of their beliefs and customs. Once I feel that I have learned a general understanding I plan to talk with families and how I can incorporate their beliefs and customs to the classroom. This is where I can make a connection between school and home. This is the first time that I can experience being able to celebrate the holiday’s with the children.  I have always worked for a company that did not participate in holiday events with the children. This feels a bit weird to me. 

To became a better listener and not withhold judgment until I fully understand and then form an impression (Gonzalez-Mena, J. p.37-38). I was once told that when you go to the doctor you have the first 30 seconds to get the point across before they are forming a plan of action. I think sometimes in communication interaction we tend to do the same thing.  I find myself with my mouth open ready to respond before the person has finished their sentence. This is something I really need to work on.

The third thing is to be aware of non-verbal communication such as eye contact and body language.  Rather you are talking to children or their families a present of respect must be apparent.


Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2010). 50 strategies for communicating and working with diverse families. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. “Understanding and Appreciating Cultural Differences” (pp.36-38).

Monday, January 14, 2013

Comm & Collab week 1

EDUC 6165-2 Comm & Collab Early Childhood Blog 1

The first person that I think of that demonstrates competent communication within a particular context is a friend and mentor of mine Kathy. She is able to remain calm with very interaction. She is able to get her point across by non-verbal communication. I would like to be able to show support to others and yet be able to communicate effectively.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

EDUC6163 What have I learned

What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?

I learned that there is more to the organization of research than I previously thought. You have to have the ability to multi task or think of each stage and how it is going the affect the next. 
In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed? I can definitely see how research may take years to complete. There always a what if scenior.

What lessons about planning, designing and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?

I learned that it’s better to have someone do the research with you so you can have a sounding board and to be able to obsere the research from a different point of view

What are some of the challenges you encountered and in what ways did you meet them? One of the biggest challenges I encountered was being able to convey my thoughts to paper to where there was an understanding of what I want to research.

 What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?

My perceptions of early childhood professional have been modified as, a result of this course. I found that the research may not be what it actually states it is trying to accomplish.


Friday, August 24, 2012

What I have learned from class 6163

What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?

I learned that there is more to the organization of research than I previously thought. You have to have the ability to multi task or think of each stage and how it is going the affect the next. 


In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed? I can definitely see how research may take years to complete. There always a what if scenior.


What lessons about planning, designing and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?

I learned that it’s better to have someone do the research with you so you can have a sounding board and to be able to obsere the research from a different point of view



What are some of the challenges you encountered and in what ways did you meet them? One of the biggest challenges I encountered was being able to convey my thoughts to paper to where there was an understanding of what I want to research.



What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?

My perceptions of early childhood professional have been modified as, a result of this course. I found that the research may not be what it actually states it is trying to accomplish.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Australia Early Childhood

My choice was to explore early childhood in Australia at I found that the ethics of early childhood stood out the most in what the expectations are for every part of the team.  The ethics were written has taking an oath of early childhood education. One has to believe in the ethics to be able to become a professional in early childhood. I think by taking this oath that it will bring out quality teachers and professionals to the field.  The following are topics that are included in the ethics:

  • respect
  • democracy
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • justice
  • courage
  • inclusivity
  • social and cultural responsiveness
  • education

It was welcoming to see that the code of ethics was written in a way that as a profession knows what is expected and what the professional will do.

The ethics include what is expected from families and children. The children are taught that they are an important part of society and they have a say in what happens around them. I think that is very important. It’s not the view that children are seen and not heard. 

This website includes tips on teaching child their rights and every learning area, such as reading, math and language, so that every teacher are teaching the same topics and everyone is getting the same information.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Research that Benefits Children and Families

If I could possess the means and the knowledge to conduct research studies about a topic in early childhood field; I would research “how does absentee father play a role in child development: is every other weekend and one day a week enough. I can only imagine all the possible contribution would include here are just a few:

·       Is there a bond or type of relationship?

·       Is the child given the opportunities to do boy directed activities?

·       Is and where are there a stable male figure?

·       What can we do as a community to support the family?

·       What is the cause of the absentee father?

·       What is the relationship between the parents and how does this affect the child?

I think that the direction of this topic could have many possibilities and possibly many answers. It could give a big understanding of pressures on mother to provide for the family. Which in turn affects the outcome of the child’s education?